The Nexas Quad HD Battery
Replacement Unit (BRU) is a chargeable high-capacity battery pack designed to
permanently replace single-use Lithium cells commonly used in CNC equipment.
The Quad BRU has various output voltages (4.5 & 6.0VDC) and a number of battery plug ends to make installation easy. A dual battery version is
also available for 3.0 and 3.6VDC backup needs.
This BRU is commonly used to replace the black 3 "D" cell battery packs in older Fanuc controllers.
In this BRU we use the larger MOLICEL high-density INR-21700-P42A
Industrial Lithium Batteries that are the best we have been able to source. Each
battery provides 3.6 VDC output and an extended operational range (-40 to 60C).
They have 4200 mAh of stored energy capacity, or 15.5Wh for each battery.
That means a NEX-1745 Quad BRU has 16,800 mAh - or a massive 62 Watt Hours - of
CNC backup power in its’ redundant banks.
With automatic recharging when the power on,
they will last you for many years. They are a good investment - but more
importantly, they eliminate your regular CNC battery maintenance, and so add to
your peace of mind.